Wednesday | 26.11.2025 | 18:15 - 20:00h
"Thoughts on Knowledge Management" Discussion
This Roundtable is based on the bi-weekly published "Thoughts on Knowledge Management", which can be found on LinkedIn and here. We will randomly select appropriate statements from the following areas:
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- Definition of Knowledge
- Learning and Collaboration
- Change
For each selected "Thought" we will discuss various questions, e.g.: What is my opinion on this? What does this mean for my work? How can I make use of this "Thought"? What can I learn from it? Other questions that arise are also welcome.
This Roundtable is therefore 100% interactive and requires everyone to participate. It aims to provide all attendees (including the facilitator himself) with new insight. Depending on the audience, the discussions will be in German or English.
The discussions will help you see Knowledge Management and related disciplines from a different perspective and discover new aspects. Furthermore, you'll realize how some Knowledge Management principles apply not only to the professional context, but also to the everyday life.
Bern University, room 115, Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern
Wednesday | 21.05.2025 | GA for members only 5:30 pm - Focus discussion open to everybody 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm
The Future of Knowledge Management
Wednesday, 21.05.2025 - General Assembly (GA) for members only at 5:30 pm - Focus Discussion at 6:15 pm
The link to GA documents can be found in the member area after login.
You are warmly invited to participate at our Focus Discussion after the annual SKMF General Assembly.
What is the role of Knowledge Management (KM) and Knowledge Managers in the future? How do we see KM evolving? What will be the key value areas?
There has been discussion on alternative names for KM such as:
- Organisational Intelligence
- Collaborative Intelligence
- Collective learning systems
- Expertise Networks
- Competence Networks
- Knowledge Enablement
- Knowledge Empowerment
Which names mean more to you than others? How will they affect your work and the future of KM? Join this lively Focus Discussion immediately following the General Assembly.
We look forward to seeing you on 21 May. Let’s share our knowledge in person.
Refreshments will be served as of 5:30 pmLocation
Bern Central Station - Welle 7 - Room will be announced later
Tuesday | 15.04.2025 | 18:00h - 20:00h
City of Zurich: KM Obligation to KM Passion
The city of Zurich's KM community is made up of various departments of the city government. From buses and trams to water and nature conservation.
Although the importance of knowledge and information management is increasingly recognised, it is often not embedded in daily work.
Responding to colleagues' input, structuring discussions, visualising solutions, designing meetings are just a few examples of KM practices. Why is it so difficult to make them part of daily work?
Join us to discuss possible solutions based on the input of round table leaders and participants.
Refreshments will be served from 17:30h.Location
Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHGR), Limmatstrasse 21, 8005 Zürich
Room will be announced in due course.
Wednesday | 02.04.2025 | 16:00 - 19:00
Knowledge Cards - Swiss KM Think Table
In this Swiss KM Think Table Roundtable, in cooperation with SKMF, you will learn how to support knowledge transfer and project management with «Knowledge Cards», a form of gamification.
We will work hands-on with CINFO (Swiss Centre of Competence for International Cooperation) and apply their experience with K-Cards. K-Cards of other organizations such as the Swiss Government and Real Estate Development Company will also be presented.
Join us for this inspiring Roundtable discussion that introduces K-Cards as a tool for skills transfer. Learn how these cards are strategically defined and designed. Become inspired on how best to make your own K-Cards. Share your ideas on introducing these cards with your colleagues.
Cinfo, Eigerstrasse 57, 3007 Bern
morePast Events
Lausanne | 19.03.2025
Harnessing Youth Potential
Organizations face complex challenges. To solve these challenges, there is a belief that we should «give youth a voice» What if, they were given a seat at the decision-making table?
Join this SKMF Roundtable discussion. Explore how young employees and other special stakeholders can help drive innovation by sharing their unique knowledge.
Should we just build on existing knowledge or explore entirely new sources? Gain a fresh perspective and share your insights on empowering tomorrow’s leaders.
moreSKMF Online | 21.01.2025
Knowledge Management challenges and solutions seen through research: past, present and future
Patricia Wolf will present a historical overview of the evolution of knowledge management research, with a particular focus on the most persistent knowledge management challenges and proposed solutions over the past three and a half decades (1991-2023). Her work points to three recurring fundamental challenges over these decades:
- organizational antecedents for implementing a knowledge sharing culture,
- the use of ICT for knowledge transfer, and
- knowledge transformation.
She will show how related challenges have evolved over time and look back at their impact with the audience. In the second part, she will present emerging challenges for the last decade to stimulate a discussion on what will be the key KM issues to prepare for in the future.
Bern | 18.10.2024
Tacit knowledge sharing with voice recordings - an AI function for easy capture and exchange?
Friday, 18.10.2024 - General Assembly (GA) for members only at 5:30 pm - Focus Discussion at 6:15 pm
You are warmly invited to participate at our special Focus Discussion after the annual SKMF General Assembly.
In 2024, SKMF participated in the industry leading European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) in Veszprém, Hungary. We will introduce the new ideas from ECKM on how to improve the tacit knowledge sharing. Easy knowledge sharing has always been the dream and constant challenge for KM professionals. Digital technology now promises a solution, as demonstrated at ECKM 2024 and now shared with you.
We’ll explore how to design efficient knowledge sharing processes, identify best practices from industry experts, and discuss how technology and AI can streamline voice processing.
Join this FocusDiscussion and share your expertise. Take away insights and tools for your professional work, such as a workflow to process voice recordings.
The link to GA documents can be found in the member area after login.
Program in Bern
18:15 Focus Discussion – ECKM 2024: Knowledge sharing through voice recordings
Problem – Learning from others in distributed organizations
- Opportunity – Overcoming classic KM challenges
- Case Study – Solutions presented at ECKM 2024
- Solution Design – Workflow options and tools
We look forward to seeing you on 18 October. Let’s share our knowledge in person.
moreGeneva | 17.10.2024
Knowledge Management & Human Rights: a policy round table
Lausanne | 16.10.2024
Digital Knowledge Management at Siemens
"Siemens References" is an innovative web platform designed to facilitate the worldwide exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices across the Siemens company. This platform connects and stimulates direct exchange and communication amongst employees. Observations have shown that the resulting knowledge transfer takes place not only via the application but also, in tandem, through bilateral channels.
During this roundtable, participants will learn about the “Siemens References” platform and explore interesting questions about how to engage people in internal collaboration platforms and how to motivate and sustain the surrounding communities – and linkages to performance and knowledge management.
The round table is a semi-structured discussion designed to informally gather people who share an interest in Knowledge Management, IT and life in organizations.
The languages of the roundtables are German, French or English depending on the location
Roundtable History
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