SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

3 Sphere Model

We have introduced the new 3 Sphere Model for Knowledge Management at the SKMF roundtable at EPFL Lausanne in November 2017. It is based on work done at EPFL by Gil Regev and through AHT by Pavel Kraus.


3 Sphere Model



In March 2021 an updated version of the 3 Sphere Model has been published in the curated dossier «Wissensmanagement quo vadis?» Part 2 of GfWM. (in German). A smaller update was done in March 2022. Download PDF of the model.


3 Sphere Model 


In December 2021, we have updated the description for our members, that illustrates the application of the model in practice and in education. (Login required for access)

In June 2022, the model was expanded to illustrate a common dilemma in knowledge management. Both the old and new models were merged into one image. Two new axes were added. This model will be presented for the first time at the ICKM conference in Potsdam on June 23.

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