SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Thursday | 26.09.2019 |


Social collaboration and KM dilemma: people are craving for smaller communities and niche experiences

Global social platforms like Facebook demonstrate that people actually don’t want to be part of a global community — “we are instead a species of small groups and tribes”. See the «The global village needs walls» article.


The message for KM is that it is futile to try to get people to share knowledge across tribes, even in mid-size organizations. So how do we help them to enjoy collaboration within their tribes and then to establish relationships between the tribes. Which methods from the KM tool box can encourage that? Are autonomous teams a way to improve the world of work and bringing a renaissance into organizations as is suggesting? Let's explore this and all the many other options.


The roundtable is free for SKMF members. We will kindly ask non-SKMF members to contribute to the cost of the roundtable with an amount of their choosing.

The roundtable is a semi-structured discussion designed to informally gather people who share an interest in Knowledge Management, IT and life in organizations.


Pavel Kraus, Gil Regev and Peter Jacsman (SKMF board members)


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