SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Thursday | 10.03.2022 |


If I only knew where my boss hid that information again.

How do we deal with the overwhelming number of communication channels in our organizations?


With so many channels, employees have (too) many options to choose from. Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, Yammer, e-mail, Slack, LinkedIn and many others compete for our attention. 

We drown in options and after a while forget where we put what information. In this roundtable, we want to share our experiences and best practices. We also want to look at what ISO standards recommend.

During the roundtable discussions, we will explore options how to address this issue. Join us for a lively exchange.


Members can get the link to the roundtable in the member section after login in directly. Non-members can purchase a ticket at Eventbrite for CHF 15.- using the link on the right.




Dr. Johannes Müller, Siemens and SKMF board members


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