SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Tuesday | 26.09.2023 |


GfWM - KnowledgeCamp: Lean Information - An introduction

At the KnfowledgeCamp of the Society for Knowledge Management (GfWM) in Cologne, Ron Hyams presents how organisations can use lean information (consistently actionable) to save time, increase revenue, and reduce risk.

During the first session on 26.09 at 11:00, Ron’s focuses on what lean information is and how its skillset is a foundation of Knowledge Management.

During the follow-up session on 26.09 at 13:00, Ron applies a recent case study from the City of Bern to focus on some of the change competencies needed for teams to use lean information.


Organisatoren: GfWM






Ron Hyams, SKMF


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