SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Wednesday | 01.12.2021 |


Knowledge Management and Useful Information

Digitalization’s exponential growth in information is not sustainable. Too much, and poor-quality, information is bad for customers and employees. Most organizations cannot ensure the consistent usefulness and value of their information. Time is money.

How can organizations ensure that their information successfully transfers knowledge, saves people time, builds customer loyalty, and mitigates information risk?

In our final Roundtable for 2021, we focus on the KM processes: Knowledge to Information, and back to Knowledge. You will be introduced to Lean Information using a Sales KM case to make information more sharable by eliminating wasteful information.

Based on information science and lean principles, Lean Information is applicable to all languages, business functions and content types. It assumes people write well. They only need to change their relationship to their information.

Members can get the link to the roundtable in the member section after login in directly. Non-members can purchase a ticket at Eventbrite for CHF 15.- using the link on the right.


Ron Hyams, SKMF board member


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