SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Thursday | 21.04.2022 |


Project Management and Knowledge Management: Two complementary perspectives

A creative and fun training to learn to work together through different projects, locations and language regions. 

PMI has named its main publication "The Project Management Body of Knowledge". Project management and knowledge management are therefore closely related.

We see two perspectives in this context. As project managers, we bring specialists together in a series of one-time efforts (a project has a beginning and an end). As knowledge managers, we bring specialists together through projects.

Both professionals - PM and KM - are generalists, but their focus and therefore their culture differ because of this difference between project and organizational vision.

In this training we will actively explore the similarities and differences of these two perspectives. We will see how the tools and techniques they offer can help project leaders and knowledge managers improve their collaboration and deliverables.

For more information visit the detailed description on SMP website


Véronique Sikora, Gil Regev et Pavel Kraus


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