SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Wednesday | 16.10.2024 | 6 pm – 8 pm


Digital Knowledge Management at Siemens

"Siemens References" is an innovative web platform designed to facilitate the worldwide exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices across the Siemens company. This platform connects and stimulates direct exchange and communication amongst employees. Observations have shown that the resulting knowledge transfer takes place not only via the application but also, in tandem, through bilateral channels.

During this roundtable, participants will learn about the “Siemens References” platform and explore interesting questions about how to engage people in internal collaboration platforms and how to motivate and sustain the surrounding communities – and linkages to performance and knowledge management.

Dr. Johannes (‘Jonny’) Müller is Senior Manager Knowledge Management at the global headquarters of Siemens Smart Infrastructure in Zug, Switzerland. He is responsible for community moderation and content management for "Siemens References", which enables the exchange of knowledge and experiences beyond geographical and organisational boundaries.


Dr. Johannes (‘Jonny’) Müller

Refreshments will be served as of 5:30 PM.


EPFL BC building, Room BC 410,


Please confirm your participation to the session organiser, Dr. Joyce Miller

This will help in preparations for the catering.



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