SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Thursday | 13.06.2024 |


Forgetful knowledge: how memory rewrites what we know

Under the guidance of distinguished neuroscientist Dr Marc Turiault, the roundtable will take participants on a journey through the fascinating intersections of memory, creativity, and knowledge management.

We will explore the impact of memory’s malleability on our understanding of the world as revealed by groundbreaking experiments and dig deeper into how memories shape and reshape our knowledge and perception.

Seize this chance to be part of a critical conversation that bridges theory and practice, illuminating the pathways through which memory continuously rewrites what we know.

Dr Marc Turiault is a scientist with a PhD in Neuroscience and 20 years of practical and theoretical experience as a researcher, group leader, trainer, and teacher. Marc conducts research and development in the field of motivation, education, and leadership.
After years of fundamental and applied research, he came to realize that knowledge related to the function of the brain is still poorly implemented in organizations. He strives to bring neurosciences to education and leadership by providing brain-based and outcome-driven tools in order to establish successful teaching and leadership strategies and fit them into the shifting landscape of learning and team management.
He consolidates knowledge from many different disciplines including education, cognitive science, and organizational sociology and brings it to educators and leaders using the Swiss adult trainer method.


Gianguglielmo Calvi (aka Giangu) and Marc Turiault


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