SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum


Thursday | 17.10.2024 | 17h30 - 20h30

Knowledge Management & Human Rights: a policy round table

In today's complex world, effective human rights policies are more crucial than ever. Yet, how can we ensure these policies are built on a solid foundation of knowledge and evidence, and implemented taking into account all the relevant local perspectives?

This pressing question is at the heart of the conversation hosted by the latest Swiss Knowledge Management Forum (SKMF) Round Table in Geneva and promoted by Diego Costa Fernandes, Founder of Planetary Collaboration.

Drawing from his wealth of experience, Diego will guide us through the labyrinth of modern policy-making, showing how knowledge management can be the compass we need to craft more effective, evidence-based policies.

With the help of two facilitators, the participants will engage in rich discussions and interactive "policy making" games, sharing their own experiences and challenges. 

Refreshments will be served from 17h30


SDG Solutions Space, Av. de Sécheron 15, 1202 Genève, Suisse


Past Events

13.06.2024 | Forgetful knowledge: how memory rewrites what we know

Under the guidance of distinguished neuroscientist Dr Marc Turiault, the roundtable will take participants on a journey through the fascinating intersections of memory, creativity, and knowledge management.

We will explore the impact of memory’s malleability on our understanding of the world as revealed by groundbreaking experiments and dig deeper into how memories shape and reshape our knowledge and perception.

Seize this chance to be part of a critical conversation that bridges theory and practice, illuminating the pathways through which memory continuously rewrites what we know.


Gianguglielmo Calvi (aka Giangu) and Marc Turiault

06.10.2023 | Trust in the age of AI

What impact is AI having on our work, and what should we do about it?

This is one of the exciting challenges raised by our SKMF Geneva Community at our past round table event. The roundtable will be led by Sarah Schwab and co-facilitated by Gianguglielmo Calvi.

What implications has AI technology within the context of knowledge management for global and decentralised organisations? At the center of our conversations will be questions of trustworthiness when comparing AI powered tools with our existing systems.


Sarah Schwab and Gianguglielmo Calvi (SKMF)

21.06.2023 | Knowledge Management meets Geneva

Are you a professional struggling in making your organisational knowledge valuable or do you work in Knowledge Management?

Be ready, the Swiss Knowledge Management Forum is coming to Geneva!

SKMF is a platform that brings together Knowledge Management enthusiasts in Switzerland, where local communities meet and learn from others, sharing challenges and successes.

To open up this series here we would like to start by testing the appetite and by throwing back the ball to you: WHAT ARE YOUR CHALLENGES?

Need an ear to brainstorm? Come to meet us and look at how others are able to overcome similar challenges to the ones you may be facing.

After a brief introduction on the nature of individual and collective knowledge, together we will discover what are the insights of each participant in facing complex knowledge challenges in its professional domain. Roundtable discussions and practical exercises will help us in identifying common heuristics in solving those challenges revealing at the same time the diversity and richness of the community of knowledge passionates in the Geneva area.




Gianguglielmo Calvi (aka Giangu) and Rocio Sanz

30.03.2023 | The Role of Evaluation in Project Management

You all know how to manage your own projects, but if you were asked to assess someone else’s project, including an initiative as ambitious as convincing young men and women in remote villages in Liberia to fill their pockets with screws instead of bullets, how would you do it?

And if you were asked to use criteria such as Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Coherence, and Sustainability of Benefits, as well as look at the extent to which a project promotes Gender Mainstreaming – and to rate the project on those criteria as well as on its Management and Governance, and financial aspects, where would you start?

If this sounds intriguing, then you won't want to miss this upcoming event – come join us on March 30th, 2023

This event will be in English




Joyce Miller - SMP and SKMF colleagues


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