SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Wednesday | 01.11.2023 |


SKMF General Assembly and focus discussion about knowledge transfer in the event of staff changes

Wednesday, 1st of November 2023: General Assembly (GA) starting at 17:30h (for members only) - focus discussion from 18:15h

The GA documents can be found in this G-drive folder.

You are cordially invited to join our special focus discussion after the annual SKMF General Assembly. 

On 25 and 26 September 2023, SKMF participated in the KnowledgeCamp of the Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement in Cologne, Germany. We brought you the outcome!

18:15h Focus discussion - KnowledgeCamp 2023: Knowledge transfer throughout change of personnel 


  • How are different organisations addressing the challenge of the retiring baby boomers?
  • Which methods can be used to anchor knowledge in the organisation?
  • How to scale knowledge transfer?
  • Other topics from the KnowledgeCamp

Take some time out and let's exchange about these topics. We look forward to seeing you on 1st of November!

After logging in, SKMF members can download the documentation of this discussion and also an example of the traditional approach to be avoided.


SKMF Board


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