SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Tuesday | 28.01.2020 |


Communities - How to make a successful start

How do I start a community with least investment to the greatest impact? What factors contribute to success?

Join us in the continuing discussion how Communities can help to improve collaboration and become a door opener to improved organizational efficiency.


At the same time we will launch the new version of the D-A-CH WM-Glossar with over 60 key knowledge management terms. Standardized and agreed by the six KM-Communities in German speaking Europe.

SKMF Roundtable Concept

The roundtable is a semi-structured discussion designed to informally gather people who share an interest in Knowledge Management, IT and  life in organizations.

The languages of the roundtable are German and English. The roundtable is free for SKMF members. Other visitors will be asked for a contribution. 

With the participation you authorize that photos/videos taken during the roundtable may use used by SKMF for public relations. 


Jan Biller (Glowing Blue) and Pavel Kraus (SKMF)


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