SKMF Swiss Knowledge Management Forum


Friday | 18.10.2024 | GA for members only 5:30 pm - Focus discussion open to everybody 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm

Tacit knowledge sharing with voice recordings - an AI function for easy capture and exchange?

Friday, 18.10.2024 - General Assembly (GA) for members only at 5:30 pm - Focus Discussion at 6:15 pm  

You are warmly invited to participate at our special Focus Discussion after the annual SKMF General Assembly. 

In 2024, SKMF participated in the industry leading European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) in Veszprém, Hungary. We will introduce the new ideas from ECKM on how to improve the tacit knowledge sharing. Easy knowledge sharing has always been the dream and constant challenge for KM professionals. Digital technology now promises a solution, as demonstrated at ECKM 2024 and now shared with you.

We’ll explore how to design efficient knowledge sharing processes, identify best practices from industry experts, and discuss how technology and AI can streamline voice processing.

Join this FocusDiscussion and share your expertise. Take away insights and tools for your professional work, such as a workflow to process voice recordings.

The link to GA documents can be found in the member area after login.

Program in Bern

18:15 Focus Discussion – ECKM 2024: Knowledge sharing through voice recordings

Problem – Learning from others in distributed organizations

  • Opportunity – Overcoming classic KM challenges
  • Case Study – Solutions presented at ECKM 2024
  • Solution Design – Workflow options and tools

We look forward to seeing you on 18 October. Let’s share our knowledge in person.

Refreshments will be served as of 5:30 pm


Bern Central Station - Welle 7 - Room will be announced later


Past Events

13.03.2024 | Case Study: Scheduling Efficiency for the Marzilibad Team

Good information is a foundation for Knowledge Management. How often does poor information cause confusion, delay, and error?

Objectives, in this Roundtable you will:

• Identify wasteful information
• Negotiate for lean information
• Measure the results

Information is data in context. See how eliminating waste from data and information improved efficiency in the City of Bern’s Marzilibad team. Marzilibad is the largest outdoor water sport facility in Switzerland. What was the minimum information needed for complete action? How were team members empowered?

What can the lessons learned mean for your Knowledge Management?


Speaker: Ron Hyams, SKMF Board Member has been focusing on the topic of information quality and business success for many years.

Ron’s industry experience includes re/insurance, pharma, and media. His functional experience includes information management, governance, and quality. He holds an Executive MBA from the University of St. Gallen. His scientific paper, Information Quality in Complex Sales, was published by the International Conference on Information Quality, MIT.


Ron Hyams, SKMF and board members

01.11.2023 | SKMF General Assembly and focus discussion about knowledge transfer in the event of staff changes

Wednesday, 1st of November 2023: General Assembly (GA) starting at 17:30h (for members only) - focus discussion from 18:15h

The GA documents can be found in this G-drive folder.

You are cordially invited to join our special focus discussion after the annual SKMF General Assembly. 

On 25 and 26 September 2023, SKMF participated in the KnowledgeCamp of the Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement in Cologne, Germany. We brought you the outcome!

18:15h Focus discussion - KnowledgeCamp 2023: Knowledge transfer throughout change of personnel 


  • How are different organisations addressing the challenge of the retiring baby boomers?
  • Which methods can be used to anchor knowledge in the organisation?
  • How to scale knowledge transfer?
  • Other topics from the KnowledgeCamp

Take some time out and let's exchange about these topics. We look forward to seeing you on 1st of November!

After logging in, SKMF members can download the documentation of this discussion and also an example of the traditional approach to be avoided.


SKMF Board

29.03.2023 | How to initiate a Knowledge Management program with the greatest value to the organization?

In this roundtable, we will discuss how starting a KM program (initiative) can provide the greatest benefit to an organization. It is a common practice for KM programs to start with a needs assessment. Most often, the focus is on improving profitability, innovation or productivity.

A simple and pragmatic way, to analyze the KM needs that bring the most value to the organization is the "Knowledge Cube" approach. It is based on three aspects:
Impact of knowledge on success, availability of knowledge, and risk of knowledge loss.

  • Impact of knowledge to success analysis is using interview techniques, business modeling and customer inputs.

  • Availability of knowledge is based on skill management, competencies development and HR practices

  • Risk of knowledge loss is ascertained through risk analysis, workforce attrition and know-how age distribution

Using the Knowledge Cube is a quick way to provide direction to a KM program with the greatest value to the organization. It was developed through consulting projects led by SKMF members since 2021.

At this roundtable, we will present and discuss the "Knowledge Cube" approach in our usual interactive way.

We look forward to see you in person in Bern.
The roundtable is free for SKMF members. We will kindly ask non-SKMF members to contribute to the cost of the roundtable with an amount of their choosing. 


Pavel Kraus, Ron Hyams - SKMF board

15.09.2022 | SKMF General Assembly and Focus discussion about ICKM - New Insights on Lessons Learned

Thursday, 15.09.2022 - General Assembly (GA) for members only at 5:30 pm - Focus Discussion at 6:15 pm  

The link to GA documents can be found in the member area after login.

You are warmly invited to participate at our special Focus Discussion after the annual SKMF General Assembly. 

In June 2022, SKMF participated in the industry leading International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM), Potsdam, Germany. We want to discuss and share new input from ICKM on improving Lessons Learned programs.

Join us to discuss your experience and share your expertise. Take away insight and tools for your professional work, such as a new proposed format for Lessons Learned developed by SKMF. 


18:15 Focus Discussion – 2022 ICKM: New Insights about more actionable Lessons Learned

Problem – Learning from others in distributed organizations

  • Opportunity – Overcoming classic KM challenges
  • Case Study – Lessons learned for project kick-off meetings
  • Program Design – Process and tools, informal communities
  • Feedback – Stakeholder and program metrics

We look forward to seeing you on 15 September. Let’s share our knowledge in person.

After login SKMF members can download the documentation of this discussion and also an example for the traditional approach to be avoided.


SKMF board members

28.01.2020 | Communities - How to make a successful start

How do I start a community with least investment to the greatest impact? What factors contribute to success?

Join us in the continuing discussion how Communities can help to improve collaboration and become a door opener to improved organizational efficiency.


At the same time we will launch the new version of the D-A-CH WM-Glossar with over 60 key knowledge management terms. Standardized and agreed by the six KM-Communities in German speaking Europe.


Jan Biller (Glowing Blue) and Pavel Kraus (SKMF)


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